Describe a string reversal algorithm. Write the difference between a [ ] [ ] and **a.
String Reversal Algorithm:
strrevers() { char str[50]; char rev[50]; int i=-1,j=0; printf("Enter any string : "); gets(str); while(str[++i]!='\0') while(i>=0) rev[j++] = str[--i]; rev[j]='\0'; printf("Reverse of string is : %s",rev); }
Difference between a [ ] [ ] and **a:
a[ ][ ] is represent two dimensional array.
**a represent pointer to pointer.
What is a self referential structure? What is difference between Union & Structure?
Describe a string reversal algorithm. Write the difference between a [ ] [ ] and **a.
Explain Sequence and Activity diagram with example.
Briefly describe different user interface elements.
Draw the ER diagram of a hospital and explain.