Write a C language function to delete the nth node of a singly-linked list. The error conditions are to be handled properly.
Following delete function can be used to delete n-th node from singly linked list. Funtion is written in C.
int delete(node * head, int key) { node * p, * q; int x = 0; p = head; if (p == Null) { printf(“List is empty”); return 0; } else while (p != null && p - > data != key) { q = p; p = p - > next; } if (p == head) { x = key; head = (head) - > next; free(p); } else { If(p - > data == key) { x = p - > data; q - > next = p - > next; free(p); } } } return (x);
Construct an AVL tree using the below list. Show all the steps 12, 11, 13, 10, 09, 15, 14, 18, 7, 6, 5.
Define Quality Planning
Convert the Regular Expression into e-NFA and then corresponding DFA.
Write a C procram to G.C.D. of two no. using recursion.
Write short notes on:
Write the recursive algorithm to find x^ n.