What do you mean by mobile communication? What are the advantages of mobile communication over PSTN? What is the difference between network protocol and network architecture?
Mobile communication: A wireless mode of communication in which the voice and the data information are send, transmitted and received via microwaves. This type of communication allows the users to communicate with each other while moving from one place to another.
Advantages of mobile communication over PSTN(public switch telephone network):
Difference between network protocol and network architecture:
Network architecture refers to the layout of the network, consisting of the hardware, software, connectivity, communication protocols and mode of transmission, such as wired or wireless. For eg: depending on the area, the network can be classified into LAN, MAN and WAN.
A network protocol defines the set of rules and conventions that governs the communication between network devices. For eg: TCP is a transport layer protocol.
Briefly describe the congestion control, slow start and fast retransmit mechanism.
What is meant by access control? What are the contention-based and contention free access control mechanisms?
Write short notes on the following :
a) BFS
b) Tail recursion
What do you mean by software crisis & its solution.
Explain two-phase locking protocol.