What type of Activity during project initiation needed?
1. Introduction
(a) Objectives
(b) Major Functions
(c) Performance Issues
(d) Management and Technical Constraints
2. Project estimates
(a) Historical Data Used
(b) Estimation Techniques Used
(c) Effort, Resource, Cost, and Project Duration Estimates
3. Schedule
(a) Work Breakdown Structure (b) Task Network Representation (c) Gantt Chart Representation (d) PERT Chart Representation
4. Project resources
(a) People
(b) Hardware and Software
(c) Special Resources
5. Staff organisation
(a) Team Structure
(b) Management Reporting
6. Risk management plan
(a) Risk Analysis
(b) Risk Identification
(c) Risk Estimation
(d) Risk Abatement Procedures
7. Project tracking and control plan
(a) Metrics to be tracked
(b) Tracking plan
(c) Control plan
8. Miscellaneous plans
(a) Process Tailoring
(b) Quality Assurance Plan
(c) Configuration Management Plan
(d) Validation and Verification
(e) System Testing Plan
(f ) Delivery, Installation, and Maintenance Plan
Draw the context diagram and level-1 DFD for Library management system. Draw also USE-CASE diagram for this system.
Write short notes on
What is Resource management?
Write a C program to find factorial(using recursion) of any no.
Write a C program to find a no. is PALINDROME or NOT.