Published on: 15 September, 2024

What are the main types of dams used in irrigation engineering?


Among the primary dam types utilized in irrigation engineering are:


Gravity dams: Usually composed of concrete or masonry, they use their weight to withstand the pressure of running water. Ideal for rocky, narrow canyons.

Compacted dirt is used to create earthen dams, which are versatile and affordable but need regular upkeep. common in places where dirt is plentiful.

Rockfill dams are flexible and stable structures made of loose rock with an impermeable core. utilized in expansive valleys.

Arch Dams: Perfect for narrow, steep valleys, these curved dams are made to shift the load to the canyon walls.

Buttress Dams: Used when the base is narrow but the foundation is strong, these structures are supported by several sloping buttresses.


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