Write a short note on Furrow Irrigation.
Furrow Irrigation
Furrow irrigation involves creating small channels, or furrows, that carry water down the slope of the land between rows of crops. As water moves along these furrows, it infiltrates into the soil. Typically, crops are grown on raised ridges in this method.This method is ideal for row crops and those that cannot tolerate prolonged periods of waterlogging, which can last between 12 to 24 hours, as often seen in border or basin irrigation systems.
Water is introduced into the furrows from a supply channel, either through pipe siphons or by making temporary breaches in the supply channel’s embankment.
Compared to other surface irrigation methods, furrow irrigation has several benefits:
• It limits water contact to only about one-half to one-fifth of the land surface, reducing issues like soil puddling, clustering, and excessive evaporation.
• It facilitates earlier cultivation. Furrows can be laid out in straight lines along the land’s slope when the slope is mild (around 5 percent). For steeper terrains, furrows can be arranged along the contours.
slope is mild (around 5 percent). For steeper terrains, furrows can be arranged along the contours.tube wells tanks. You could also irrigate it.
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