It is used for clipping line. The line is divided in two parts. Mid points of line is obtained by dividing it in two short segments. Again division is done, by finding midpoint. This process is continued until line of visible and invisible category is obtained. Let (xi,yi) are midpoint
x5lie on point of intersection of boundary of window.
It is suitable for machines in which multiplication and division operation is not possible. Because it can be performed by introducing clipping divides in hardware.
Step1: Calculate the position of both endpoints of the line
Step2: Perform OR operation on both of these endpoints
Step3: If the OR operation gives 0000
Line is guaranteed to be visible
Perform AND operation on both endpoints.
If AND ≠ 0000
then the line is invisible
then the line is clipped case.
Step4: For the line to be clipped. Find midpoint
Xmis midpoint of X coordinate.
Ymis midpoint of Y coordinate.
Step5: Check each midpoint, whether it nearest to the boundary of a window or not.
Step6: If the line is totally visible or totally rejected not found then repeat step 1 to 5.
Step7: Stop algorithm.
Example: Window size is (-3, 1) to (2, 6). A line AB is given having co-ordinates of A (-4, 2) and B (-1, 7). Does this line visible. Find the visible portion of the line using midpoint subdivision?
Step1: Fix point A (-4, 2)
Step2: Find b"=mid of b'and b
So (-1, 5) is better than (2, 4)
Find b"&bb"(-1, 5) b (-1, 7)
So B""to B length of line will be clipped from upper side
Now considered left-hand side portion.
A and B""are now endpoints
Find mid of A and B""
A (-4, 2) B ""(-1, 6)
Define software quality. Briefly explain McCall’s quality factors.