A project was estimated to be 200 KLOC. Calculate the effort development time, average staff size and productivity level for
i) Organic
ii) Semi-detached modes.
Effort= 2.4x(200)1.05PM=625PM
Development time=2.5x(Effort)0.38PM=28 months
Average staff size= E/D= 625/28 =22 Persons
Productivity = KLOC/E = 200/625=0.32 KLOC/PM = 320 LOC/PM
Effort=3.0x(200)1.12PM=1133 PM
Development time=2.5x(Effort)0.35PM=29 months
Average staff size= E/D= 1133/29 =39 Persons
Productivity = KLOC/E = 200/1133=0.1765 KLOC/PM = 176 LOC/PM
What is tree traversal?
What is SRS? Write the features of SRS.
Write short notes on the following:
Write a C program to find a no. is PALINDROME or NOT.