Write short notes on the following:
Armstrong’s Axioms:
An inference axiom is a rule that states if a relation satisfies certain Functional Dependencies (FDs) then it must satisfy certain other FDs. These rules are applied repeatedly for a give set of FDs so that all of F+ i.e. closure can be inferred. Let X, Y, Z, W be the arbitrary schema R and XY is denoted by XY.
F1. Reflexivity If Y Í X, then X →Y holds
F2. Augmentation If X → Y then XW → YZ
F3. Transitivity If (X → Y) and (Y → Z) then (X → Z)
Computing F+ using axioms directly is quite complicated. Thus, to simplify the task of computing F+ from F, additional inference rules are derived from Armstrong’s axioms. These rules are:
F4. Union If {(X → Y) (X → Z)} then X → YZ
F5. Decomposition If (X → YZ) then X → Y
F6. Pseudo-transitivity If (X → Y) and (YZ → W) then XZ → W
Outer Join:
Outer Join is based on both matched and unmatched data. Outer Joins subdivide further into,
R1: class R2: class info
ID |
Address |
1 |
2 |
3 |
7 |
8 |
ID |
1 |
abhi |
2 |
adam |
3 |
alex |
4 |
anu |
5 |
ashish |
Left Outer Join
The left outer join returns a result table with the matched data of two tables then remaining rows of the left table and null for the right table's column.
ID |
ID |
Address |
1 |
abhi |
1 |
2 |
adam |
2 |
3 |
alex |
3 |
4 |
anu |
null |
null |
5 |
ashish |
null |
null |
Right Outer Join
The right outer join returns a result table with the matched data of two tables then remaining rows of the right table left table's columns.
ID |
ID |
Address |
1 |
abhi |
1 |
2 |
adam |
2 |
3 |
alex |
3 |
null |
null |
7 |
null |
null |
8 |
Full Outer Join
The full outer join returns a result table with the matched data of two table then remaining rows of both left table and then the right table.
ID |
ID |
Address |
1 |
abhi |
1 |
2 |
adam |
2 |
3 |
alex |
3 |
4 |
anu |
null |
null |
5 |
ashish |
null |
null |
null |
null |
7 |
null |
null |
8 |
What do you mean by ‘Ternary Relationship’? Define the concept of aggregation with suitable example.
State the steps involved in query processing. Why is the query optimization needed?
Write the difference between procedural and non-procedural query language.
What is SRS? Write the features of SRS.
Difference between Statement coverage and Branch coverage.
Write a C program to check a year is leap year or not.
Write a C program to find a number is AMSTRONG or NOT.
Write a C program to multiplication of two matrix.
Explain two-phase locking protocol.
Briefly describe different user interface elements.