Write a C program to find a no. is PALINDROME or NOT.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int n,x,digit,r=0; printf("\n enter any number"); scanf("%d",&n); x=n; do { digit=n%10; r=r*10+digit; n=n/10; }while(n>0); if(x==r) printf("\n the number is PALINDROME"); else printf("\n the number is NOT PALINDROME"); getch(); }
Write a C Program That Uses Functions To Delete N – Charactres From A Given Position In A Given String.
Write a C program to find a no. is PALINDROME or NOT.
Write a C program to find the value of Sine(X).
What is feasibility study? Explain different types of feasibility study.
What is “Top-Down and Bottom-Up Design” approach?
Discuss Quality Assurances