Consider the size of an organic type s/w product that has been estimated as 32,000 lines of source code. The average salary s/w developers is 15,000 p.m. Determine the effort required to develop the s/w, the nominal development time and the cost to develop the project.
From the basic COCOMO estimation formula for organic software :
Nominal development time= 2.5x(Effort)0.38=2.5x(91)0.38=14 months
Staff cost required to develop the product= 91x Rs. 15000= Rs. 1,465,000
Write a C program to transpose of a matrix.
What are tunnelling and encapsulation in the context of mobile IP?
Difference between Inspections and Walkthrough
What is “Top-Down and Bottom-Up Design” approach?
Distinguish between Decision table versus decision tree
Discuss Analysis Modeling Concepts and Approaches