Published on: 10 February, 2025

What are tunnelling and encapsulation in the context of mobile IP?


Tunneling: The encapsulation process creates a logical construct called a tunnel between the device that encapsulates and the one that decapsulates. The concept of tunnelling is same as that of the VPNs and the IPsec protocol. The tunnel represents a conduit over which datagrams are forwarded across an arbitrary internetwork, with the information of the encapsulated datagram (original IP headers) temporarily hidden. In Mobile IP, the start of the tunnel is the home agent, which does the encapsulation. The end of the tunnel depends on what sort of care-of address is being used.



Encapsulation: Once a mobile node on a foreign network has completed a successful registration with its home agent, the home agent will intercept datagrams intended for the mobile node as they are routed to its home network, and forward them to the mobile node. This is done by encapsulating the datagrams and then sending them to the node’s care-of address. Encapsulation is required because each datagram we intercept and forward needs to be resent over the network to the device’s care-of address. The default encapsulation process used in Mobile IP is called IP Encapsulation Within IP.


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