Define software quality. Briefly explain McCall’s quality factors.
Software quality :
Software quality refers to two related but distinct notions that exist wherever quality is defined in a business context: Software functional quality reflects how well it complies with or conforms to a given design, based on functional requirements or specifications. Software structural quality refers to how it meets non-functional requirements that support the delivery of the functional requirements, such as robustness or maintainability, the degree to which the software was produced correctly.
McCall’s quality factors:
McCall identified three main perspectives for characterizing the quality attributes of a software product.
These perspectives are:-
Product revision (ability to change).
Product transition (adaptability to new environments).
Product operations (basic operational characteristics).
Product revision
The product revision perspective identifies quality factors that influence the ability to change the software product, these factors are:1) Maintainability 2) Flexibility 3) Testability
Product transition
The product transition perspective identifies quality factors that influence the ability to adapt the software to new environments: 1) Portability 2) Reusability 3) Interoperability
Product operations
The product operations perspective identifies quality factors that influence the extent to which the software fulfils its specification: 1) Correctness 2) Reliability 3) Efficiency 4) Integrity 5) Usability.
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