Deduce the expression of torgue of electrodynamometer type instrument. Why multiplier is used with PMMC instrument? What do you mean by sensitivity of PMMC instrument? Why sensitivity of electrodynamometer type instrument is low? Why the scale of moving iron instrument is cramped at lower end?
23 June, 2022Draw the circuit diagram of DC potentiometer & explain how it works.
23 June, 2022What are absolute & secondary instruments ? Why is damping required in a measuring instrument ?
23 June, 2022A single phase kWhr meter makes 500 revolutions per kWhr. It is found on testing that it is making 40 revolutions in 58.1 seconds at 5kW load. Find out the percentage of error.
23 June, 2022What is the function of delay time?
23 June, 2022Write short note on
Write short note on LVDT
23 June, 2022