Published on: 10 February, 2025

What is scattering Parameters? Why is it used in microwave Network?


Any two port networks are represented by a special type of parameter by which reflection co- efficient or transmission co – efficient of any network is measured. This special type of parameter is called scattering parameter of S - parameter.

Characteristics of microwave devices can be represented by its scattering parameters (S- parameters) instead of conventional Z, Y or hybrid parameter for following reason

  1. No equipments are readily available to measure total voltage and total currents at the ports of the network.
  2. Over a broad band of frequencies it is difficult to achieve short and open circuits.
  3. Active devices like tunnel diode and power transistors frequently will not have stability for a short or open circuit. The scatter parameters are the reflection co- efficient of a port and transmission co- efficient between different ports with other ports matched terminated. These are also the frequently measured quantities and can be measured readily with the help of a network analyzer.
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