Give the guideline formulated in IEEE 830 for writing SRS document. Assuming standard activities in a library, write SRS according to IEEE 830.
Guideline formulated in IEEE 830 for writing SRS document:
1. General
a) All documents should have a title page (to include information such as: title of the project, course name and number, team members, place, date, and other relevant information).
b) Table of Contents normally makes a lot of sense, so should be included as well
c) Number all sections in the document.
d) Any reference correctly included in Section 1.4 should be written as follows:
e) For books, reports, theses, standards, manuals, etc.: [number] NameOfAuthor(s), TtitleOfWork, Publisher, Place, Date
f) For papers/articles: [number] NameOfAuthor(s), TtitleOfWork, JournalName, VolumeNumber,
IssueNumber, PageNumbers (pp. first-last), Year (or Month and Year)
g) For papers in Conference Proceedings: [number] NameOfAuthor(s), TtitleOfWork, Phrase “Proceedings of the” Conference Name, Place, Date[, Publisher, Place Date]
h) For websites: [number] AuthorNames(s), TitleOfWork, Company’s Name, Place, Date, URL
i) All references from Section 1.4 have to be referred to in the text (using [number] notation)
j) Do not end section titles with colons.
k) Every figure/diagram should have a caption (number and titile). Place it underneath the figure/diagram.
l) Every table should have a number and title, placed above the table.
m)“Shall/Must” phraseology should not be used in unless it is requirement. This means that normally it is not used in sections 1 or 2.
2. Writing “Introduction”
- In Section 1.1 “Purpose”, describe the purpose of this document, not the purpose of the software being developed.
- In Section 1.2 “Scope”, describe the scope of this document, not the scope of the software being developed.
- In Section 1.5 “Overview”, provide an overview of this document, not the overview of the software being developed.
- Definitions, in Section 1.4, should be write using the following template: word_defined. <in lower case, ended with a dot “.”> Followed by a definition.
3. Writing “Overall Description”
- a Context Diagram is mandatory.
- other important characteristics are: Product Perspective, product Functions, User Characteristics, Constraints, Assumptions and Dependencies.
4. Other
- End your SRS document by the following line (centered across the page):
*** End of the SRS ***
Functional requirements:
The software needs to support two categories of functionalities as described below:
R.1.1:Register book
Description: To register a book in the library.
Input: book details
Output: Unique serial number
R.1.2: Query book
Description: Any user should be able to query a book from anywhere using a web browser.
Input: Name of the book
Output: Availability of the book and whether the book is issued or not.
R.1.3: Return book
Description: upon return, the date of return is stored and the book is removed from the borrowing list.
Input: name of the book
Output: Confirmation message
R.2.1: Register borrowed books
Description: the books borrowed by the user of the library are registered
Input: title of the book
Output: confirmation of the registration
R.2.2: deregister borrowed books
Description: the books returned by the user of the library are deregistered
Input: title of the book
Output: confirmation of deregistration
R.2.3: Display borrowed books
Description: the data about the books borrowed by the owner are displayed.
<pstyle="padding-left: 80px;">Input: user section <pstyle="padding-left: 80px;">Output: list of borrowed books
Non-functional requirements:
Do a comparative study among the following COCOMO models:
(a) Basic
(b) Intermediate
(c) Complete
(d) COCOMO 2
Write the rules of DBA.
Write a C program to find the multiplication table of any no.
Write a C program to multiplication of two matrix.