Write a C-Program That Uses Functions To Insert A Sub-String In To A Given Main String From A Given Position.
/* Declaring C-Libraries */ #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> /* Declaring function prototypes */ void ins_substr(char [], char [], int, int); /* main function is starting */ main() { int p,n,i,j; char str[50],substr[50]; clrscr(); /* Initializing character array */ puts("\n Enter the String:"); gets(str); fflush(stdin); /* Entering the position where you want to insert a substring*/ printf("Enter the specific position "); scanf("%d",&p); printf("\n Enter the Number of Characters:"); scanf("%d",&n); fflush(stdin); puts("\n Enter Sub-String:"); gets(substr); /* function call to inserting string in main string */ ins_substr(str,substr,p,n); printf("\n :: End of the main program ::"); getch(); } /* logic to insert sub string in main string */ void ins_substr(char str[], char substr[], int p, int n) { int q,i,j; q=p-1; for(i=q,j=n;str[i]!='\0';i++,j++) substr[j]=str[i]; substr[j]='\0'; for(j=0,i=q;substr[j]!='\0';j++,i++) str[i]=substr[j]; str[i]='\0'; printf("\n The string after inserting substring :"); puts(str); }
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