Convert the following infix expression Into equivalent postfix expression using stack.
\( {* C-(D-E)/(F+ G)}\)
What is dequeue?
Character Comes to Scan | Stack Holds |
Postfix Expression |
( |
( |
A |
( |
A |
+ |
(+ |
A |
B |
(+ |
AB |
) |
Empty |
AB+ |
* |
* |
AB+ |
C |
* |
AB+C |
- |
- |
AB+C* |
( |
-( |
AB+C* |
D |
-( |
AB+C*D |
- |
-(- |
AB+C*D |
E |
-(- |
) |
- |
AB+C*DE- |
/ |
-/ |
AB+C*DE- |
( |
-/( |
AB+C*DE- |
F |
-/( |
+ |
-/(+ |
G |
-/(+ |
) |
-/ |
Empty |
AB+C*DE-FG+/- |
A double-ended queue is an abstract data type similar to an ordinary queue, except that it allows you to insert and delete from both sides.This differs from a normal queue, where elements can only be added to one end and removed from the other. Both queues and stacks can be considered specializations of dequeue, and can be implemented using dequeue.
Define the ADT for stack. Show the implementation of the stack data structure using linked list.
Write a C program to print all prime no.(1-100).
Write short notes on:
Write a C program to check a number is even or odd.
Briefly discuss about Critical Path Method (CPM)
What are the differences between AVL Tree & Binary Search Tree ?