Write short notes on:
Database Language:-
The database is an intermediate link between the physical database, computer and the operating system and the users. To provide the various facilities to different types of users, a DBMS normally provides one or more specialized programming languages called database languages.
DDL - Data Definition Language (DDL) statements are used to define the database structure or schema. Some examples:
DML - Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements are used for managing data within schema objects. Some examples:
DCL - Data Control Language (DCL) statements. Some examples:
TCL - Transaction Control (TCL) statements are used to manage the changes made by DML statements. It allows statements to be grouped together into logical transactions.
Metadata is by definition "data about other data" of any type and sort in any media. It is used to facilitate the understanding, characteristics and management usage of data. For effective data management, the Metadata should include data that is coherent with the context of use.
This Metadata is used for better access to the enormous amounts of data stored and managed by different companies. Metadata provides context for data. In data processing, for example, Metadata is definitional; it gives documentation of other data in the application or environment. The term "Metadata" should be used carefully since all data is about something and hence is "Metadata".
In Databases, Metadata defines data elements and attributes (Name, data type, size, etc), data could be registered about structures and records as well (Length, columns and fields). This is extremely helpful for the reliability of databases and their efficiency. In a library, for example, the data is the content of the titles, and the Metadata is about the title, the author, a description of the content, the physical location and the date of publication. In addition, it protects investment in data, helps the user in understanding data, enables discovery options, and limits Liability. All of these reasons make Metadata the backbone in understanding a DBMS.
Examples: Examples of Metadata include; Photograph: Date and time
Camera Settings Like: Focal Length, aperture, exposure
Web Pages: Descriptive Text, Dates, Keywords
B+ tree:-
A B+ tree is a balanced tree in which every path from the root of the tree to a leaf is of the same length, and each non-leaf node of the tree has between [n/2] and [n] children, where n is fixed for a particular tree. It contains index pages and data pages. The capacity of a leaf has to be 50% or more. For example: if n = 4, then the key for each node is between 2 to 4. The index page will be 4 + 1 = 5.
B+-tree Structure:
A B+-tree is a generalization of a binary search tree (BST). The main difference is that nodes of a B+ tree will point to many children nodes rather than being limited to only two. Since the goal is to minimize disk accesses whenever we are trying to locate records, we want to make the height of the multi-way search tree as small as possible. This goal is achieved by having the tree branch in large amounts at each node.
A B+-tree of order m is a tree where each internal node contains up to m branches (children nodes) and thus store up to m-1 search key values -- in a BST, only one key value is needed since there are just two children nodes that an internal node can have. m is also known as the branching factor or the fan out of the tree.
Example of a B+ tree with four keys (n = 4) looks like this:
State the advantages of using database system over file-based information system.
Explain how to reduce a relationship set of an E-R diagram into relational schema.
Find the time complexity of Binary Search Algorithm.
Write a C program to find the factorial of any number.
What is tree traversal?
Write a C program to find minimum among three numbers.
What is feasibility study? Explain different types of feasibility study.