What tools are used for measuring rainfall and runoff?
Rain Gauge: This is the go-to tool for figuring out how much rain has fallen. You’ve got simple versions you check manually and fancier ones that record data automatically.
Discharge Gauge: Used to measure how much water is flowing in rivers and streams, helping to figure out runoff levels.
Streamflow Meter: This measures how fast the water’s moving in a river or stream, which, combined with the width, helps calculate the total flow.
Weir: A kind of dam-like structure across a stream that measures how much water’s flowing over it.
Flume: A channel with a narrow section that helps measure water flow by looking at how deep and fast the water is.
Hydrograph: A chart that shows changes in streamflow over time, so you can see how runoff varies.
Rainfall Recorder: An automatic gadget that keeps track of rain all the time, so you get detailed records without having to check it manually.
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