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Write a C program to print all prime no.(1-100).

29 January, 2025
#include #include main() { int i,j,n; printf("\n The prime numbers are(1-100)");

Write a C program to addition of two matrices.

29 January, 2025
#include #include main() { int a[10][10],b[10][10],c[10][10],m,n,p,q,i,j; printf("\n Enter the dimension of the 1st matrix");

Write a C program to transpose of a matrix.

29 January, 2025
#include #include main() { int a[10][10],b[10][10],m,n,i,j; printf("\n enter the dimension of the matrix");

Write a C program to find the multiplication table of any no.

29 January, 2025
#include #include main() { int n,i=1; printf("\n Enter any number");

Write a C program to find the factorial of any number.

29 January, 2025
#include #include main() { int n; long int fact=1; printf("\n Enter any number");

Write a C program to find the GCD of two numbers.

29 January, 2025
#include #include main() { int a,b,r,t; printf("\n Enter two number");