24 questions and answers
Explain the functional block diagram of CRO with neat diagram.
The cathode Ray Oscilloscope or mostly called as CRO is an electronic device used for giving the visual indication of a signal waveform. It is an extremely useful and the most versatile instrument in the electronic industry.
Describe the process of capacitance measurement using De Sauty’s bridge and draw the relevant phasor diagram. State the limitations of the bridge.
For measurement of capacitance and dissipation factor Schering bridge is widely used. The phasor diagram and circuit diagram of the bridge are as follows:
A Wheatstone bridge has the following resistances : AB = 200Ω, BC = 20Ω, CD = 8Ω & DA = 100Ω. A galvanometer of 40Ω is connected across BD. Find the current through the galvanometer when 20V is applied across A.C.
Resistance of unknown resistor required for balance=\(R_{AD}=\left(\frac{R_{AB}}{R_{BC}}\right)\ast R_{CD}\) \(=\frac{200}{20}\ast8=80\Omega\)
Explain the relevant circuit diagram, the principle of measurement of low resistance by kelvin’s double bridge. Prove that the condition of balance is independent of the read resistance. Up to what low value it can be used?
The kelvin bridge is a notification of the Wheatstone bridge with greater increased accuracy in measurement of low value resistance. Consider the bridge circuit shown in the figure.
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