What are the special features of a high voltage Schering bridge? What is meant by “Wagner’s Earth”?
Wagner’s Earthling: For elimination of some of the effects of stray capacitances in A.C. bridge circuits, the method is widely used. For eliminating the troublesome capacitances between the detector and ground this device is used. Fig. shows the circuit of a capacitance bridge with Wagner earthling device. \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) represents stray capacitance between detector and ground. The oscillator is changed from its usual ground connection and bridge by a series combination of resistor \(R_W\) and capacitor \(C_W\). The junction of \(R_W\) and \(C_W\) is grounded.
For balancing the bridge, the detector is first connected to point 1 and \(R_1\) is adjusted for null. The defector is then connected to position 2 connecting it to Wagner earth, and then the resistance \(R_W\) is now adjusted for null. The procedure is repeated till final balance is adjusted at positions 1 and 2 changing \(R_1\), \(R_2\) and \(R_W\).
What are absolute & secondary instruments ? Why is damping required in a measuring instrument ?
State and explain Biot – Savart law.
Write a short note on Bathe hole coupler.
Write short note on LVDT
What is angle modulation?
State and prove the Parseval’s theorem for power.
What is E-plane Tee? Derive its S-matrix.
Find the Fourier transform of the following:
Fig. 1