Why Schottky diodes are suitable for microwave region?
It is a simple metal semiconductor interface exhibiting non – linear impedance and is basically an extension of the point contact diode. When the diodes are forward biased current follows because of majority carrier from semiconductor into the metal. Minority carriers are virtually absent compared with p-n junction diodes.
The I-V characteristics is similar to the p-n junction diode, but have steeper I-V slope, lower series resistance R, lower breakdown voltage and smaller forward turn – on voltage.
Schottky barrier diodes are increasingly being used as a low noise mixer replacing tunnel diodes and varactors, due to their low cast, simple structure and reliability noise figure of 4 to 5 dB are common. Applied in a CW Radar as a Balanced mixer and finally in microwave field to detect the microwave frequency.
What is Gunn diode oscillator? What are different modes of operation of Gunn diode? Mention its applications.
Define microwave. What is the significance of using ‘S’ parameter in microwave engineering.
Write short note on Microwave Power Measurement
Explain the tunneling action in a tunnel diode.
Discuss the operating principle of Faraday’s rotation isolator.