State Channel capacity theorem
Bandwidth and noise power place a restriction upon the rate of information that can be transmitted by a channel. It may be shown that in a channel which is distorted by a white Gaussian noise, one can transmit information at a rate of C bits per second, where C is the channel capacity and expressed as
C = Blog2(1+S/N)
Where, B = channelbandwidth ∈ Hz
S = Signalpower
N = Noisepower
Explain with suitable block diagram the generation of FM signal using Armstrong method.
Explain FM stereo \(\frac{T_x}{R_x}\) system with block schematic diagrams.
How is a Phase Locked Loop (PLL) used for demodulation of FM signal? Mention the advantage of PLL demodulation.
What is Carson’s rule? Explain it.
Write a short note on TDM (Time Division Multiplexing).
Explain briefly the VSB-SC modulation