Consider the size of an organic type s/w product that has been estimated as 32,000 lines of source code. The average salary s/w developers is 15,000 p.m. Determine the effort required to develop the s/w, the nominal development time and the cost to develop the project.
21 January, 2025What are the ‘baselines’ with respect to software configuration management? What is the necessity of software configuration management in developing a software?
21 January, 2025What is Mutation Testing? Distinguish between White-box Testing and Black-box Testing?
21 January, 2025Define software quality. Briefly explain McCall’s quality factors.
21 January, 2025What is SRS? Write the features of SRS.
21 January, 2025What is “Top-Down and Bottom-Up Design” approach?
21 January, 2025What is Risk? Why Risk Analysis is done?
21 January, 2025