Write notes on Mixing and Mixer machines of concrete.
Thorough mixing of the materials is essential for the production of uniform concrete. The mixing should ensure that the mass becomes homogeneous, uniform in color and consistency. There are two methods adopted for mixing concrete:
Mixer Machines:-
As per IS: 1791-1985, concrete mixers are designated by a number representing its nominal mixed batch capacity in lit. The following are the standardized sizes of three types:
Explain Kelly Ball to measure the workability of concrete. Mention the limitation of the test.
Describe Lacey’s theory of uniform flow and its significance.
How do sediment basins or traps function in an irrigation system?
How does sediment accumulation affect the performance of headworks?
What are the common materials used for constructing headworks?
What factors influence the choice of an irrigation method?
Short notes on :
How does river meandering impact sediment transport and deposition?